2021 Spring Innovation Roundtable – Nicole Desjarlais & Sybil Hoiss

Summary: Nicole Desjarlais has led the development of the Post-Extubation Swallowing Screen (developed using Yale Swallow Protocol) to ensure there was a validated, systematic approach, and tool to identify patients at risk for developing complications from dysphagia post-extubation. This presentation will discuss the trialing of this swallowing screen in Interior Health with Clinical Nurse Specialist Sybil Hoiss.

Nicole Desjarlais is the Professional Practice Leader for Speech-Language Pathology services in Interior Health.  She worked as a clinician from 1997-2007 and as a Regional Practice Leaders since then.  She manages services at Kelowna General Hospital, Penticton Regional Hospital and Vernon Jubilee Hospital, often coordinating services regionally.

As the Clinical Nurse Specialist for Interior Health Authority’s Critical Care Network, Sybil Hoiss guides and evaluates clinical practice and resources to enhance the quality of care provided across the region. Sybil is a Douglas College grad and her Masters of Nursing, with a teaching focus, is with Athabasca University. Sybil shares her clinical knowledge and passion for Critical Care nursing through teaching, mentoring, and collaborating with multiple stakeholders within Interior Health and British Columbia.

Join the meeting with the following link:


Meeting number: 133 190 0505

Password: MZpcggf6j27

On Thursday, 15 Apr, 2021 11:30 am to 1:30 pm (PST).

Join the BC & Yukon Chapter for our Annual General Meeting where we will vote on the nominees for the executive board. Afterwards we will have our Spring Innovation Roundtable with speakers and topics relevant to critical care nursing practice. 

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