Summary: Patient and family centred care is essential to high quality service during critical illness as well as to the long term outcomes of survivors. A team of patient partners, clinicians, quality experts and administrators undertook and environmental scan to look into current practices, barrier and facilitators in the BC context on behalf of the BC Critical Care Services Executive Committee. This presentation will share the findings from of the unit surveys and patient partner focus groups.
About the speaker: Allana LeBlanc is the Clinical Nurse Specialist for Intensive Care and High Acuity at Vancouver General. She completed her Bachelor of Nursing at Dalhousie University and her Master of Nursing at the University of Ottawa. Her interests include patient and family engagement, end of life nursing, and data-driven quality improvement.
Join the meeting with the following link:
Meeting number: 133 190 0505
Password: MZpcggf6j27
On Thursday, 15 Apr, 2021 11:30 am to 1:30 pm (PST).
Join the BC & Yukon Chapter for our Annual General Meeting where we will vote on the nominees for the executive board. Afterwards we will have our Spring Innovation Roundtable with speakers and topics relevant to critical care nursing practice.